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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Photolog - Thursday, June 17, 2004
June 17, 2004.


At 11:32 AM, Blogger | worldwide said...

This is the place where i spend some quality-time.
Near the cost, in the Netherlands.

Greetings worldwide.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger ... said...

The place actually exists? Wow, thought it was like one of those stores or museum houses that are too pretty for a person to live in.
Hi, I found your blog whilst I was looking for (guess what?) a gmail account.
If you have a spare one I'm interested in receiving it.
Even if you don't have one, I'm also very interested in photography, so would you mind if I came regularly and commented in your photos?
I also take photos of flowers, but I'm not professional or anything.
Have a nice evening.

At 6:25 PM, Blogger | worldwide said...

Hello Suedeme,

Yes, i like it ("would you mind if I came regularly and commented in your photos?")

The gmail is yours, if I know where to send it to.
(I cannot find your e-mail adres, not on forum and blog).

Greetings worldwide.

At 6:34 PM, Blogger ... said...

Hi, thanks for allowing me to make comments of your photos, I sometimes comment a lot so if you get tired of me feel free to tell me to slow down ^-^.

Ehm, oh yes I know I didn't left my e-mail address here, but I didn't know if you still had gmail accounts available, so, my adress is: alchimie_7@hotmail.com.
Thanks a lot.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger | worldwide said...

Hello Suedeme,

The invitation is one the way.
Hope you enjoy it.

I hope i can take pictures that allow to comment a lot:-)

Greetings worldwide.

At 9:05 PM, Blogger ... said...

Thank you, I do have an account now, thanks a million. I was going to post here right after I got the e-mail with the link but I was trying to reach my brother at work to see if he wanted it.

I already saw photos from your archives, some are FANTASTIC; After over a year of using blogs and journals I still don't know if it's unpolite to post comments in older entries, hopefully is not because I think I must comment in a few of your older ones ^-^.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger | worldwide said...

"I still don't know if it's unpolite to post comments in older entries".

I have this same feeling/question viewing other blocks.
I like it very much, and appreciate it.

Will read theme all, not respond on all.
Greetings worldwide.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger ... said...

So I wasn't the only one wondering about comments in old posts huh? ^-^, somebody should write a "Bloggetiquette" manual (if it doesn't exist already), or perhaps it depends on each person.

No prob if you don't reply to my comments of your posts, I only give a humble opinion, if you take the time to read it then it's more than enough ^-^.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger | worldwide said...

Well, this is one of those things I will put in the FAQ page. But I need some time to set it up.

Thanks for the nice commeting on the older pictures.
It's Belgium beer, very strong, and I like it.
The black and white picture with the flowers is one of my favorites, and you described it very well.
Lion tooth is a new word for me :-)

At 9:42 PM, Blogger ... said...

Ah, I'm sure your FAQ will be useful, I noticed it wasn't ready yet. But you seem to do a bunch of other interesting stuff (flash, computer related) so you must have little free time.

No need to thank for the other comments, the photos are beautiful, I couldn't resist it ^-^.
"Belgium beer"? Cool!!! I wonder if you took it in Belgium. It was the first time I saw beer in what seemed to look like a crystal glass for rum, very elegant.

"Lion Tooth" a new word? I wonder how you call them there, maybe by the official or scientific name; In here each "part" of the flower, you know the white ones that fly away if you blow close to them, is supposed to be a wish, so kids sometimes (not all of them) make wishes and blow them away so they'll come true.
I did it a few times, but forgot what I wished for ^-^.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Something to remember... said...

Nice place with trees and fresh air ;) It's not like my house with poluted air coz i living in developing country - Vietnam. It makes me remember my aunt's house at seaside, plenty place with sea, coconuts, sandy and garden... Would you tell me where is your house ? in US huh ?

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Something to remember... said...

oops, your house's in Netherlands :D, sry ;)


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